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What it is
How it works
3 control signals
Here we use a contact microphone to capture LIVE the different gestures executed on a table.
Then we use those gestures to make music in the DAW.
Control signals
producing different timbres on the surface.
Playing kick and snare sounds using finger and a sushi stick.
time elapsed between hits.
Controlling the pitch by how fast the hits are (faster the hits, lower the pitch).
how hard the hits are.
Controlling cut off filter, sample length and pitch with velocity.

Simple. For everyone.
It's simple: you put your gear,
we provide the software.
Use your sound card.
Nowadays every sound card can reach low-latency performance.
drum triggers
dynamic mic
Install Virtual Controller
in your machine
and run your favourite DAW.
Instructions here.
contact mic
Tap to sound.
Attack transient will be detected and transformed into MIDI data to let you play with.
Use your microphone.
Feed the plug-in with an audio source. Use whatever type of microphone you have, even a very cheap one:
- contact mic
- condenser mic
- dynamic mic
- drum triggers
- pre-recorded material an so on...
Try the BETA version
Remember to:
Beta version
Quick tutorial in Ableton Live.
Finger drumming on a table with random objects.
Quick setup
Quick and smart interactivity.
coming soon.
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